Meetings of Interest: Sunday, November 26, 2023

Meetings of Interest: Your Turn 📩

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Good evening. With no City "meetings of interest" again this week, it feels like a good time to ask you to grade this newsletter and tell us what you'd like to see from us in 2024.


When Downtown Dallas, Inc. (DDI), launched "Meetings of Interest" in April, we had no idea how much interest there would be in a weekly email newsletter mostly about government meetings. Your response has been incredible, and we greatly appreciate how many of you have taken the time to write us or share feedback when you see us around Downtown.

In 2024, DDI is doubling down on our commitment to bring you information and insights you can't get anywhere else. We want your help on how best to do that. Please take less than five minutes to answer a few questions in the above linked survey.

Look Ahead: December 2023 Meetings of Interest

Here's a look at some of what is coming up in December at Dallas City Hall.

Note that Wednesday, December 6, is when the City Council will be briefed on the proposed $1.1 billion bond package. The deadline to sign up to speak at that meeting (virtual or in-person) is Tuesday, December 5, at 5 p.m.


Quote of the Week

  Former Dallas mayor Mike Rawlings, during a recent interview about the 60th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy, on how leaders respond in crisis. 


"You better not prepare for moments like that. You better live your life as if the next moment is going to be like that. And if you live thinking about the things that are important, when it happens the city sees authenticity."

Did we miss anything? Do you have any questions? Just want to talk about meetings?


Were you forwarded this newsletter?


Thank you for reading. Have a great week.


Scott GoldsteinChief of External Affairs& Government Relations

Downtown Dallas, Inc.


or to participate.