Meetings of Interest: Sunday, May 7, 2023

Meetings of Interest: 🛴 Scooter Return Date Set

Sunday, May 7, 2023



The Dallas City Council will have two new members next month, following another low-turnout election that saw every incumbent on the ballot win another term. Among the returning incumbents are Downtown Council members Paul Ridley and Jesse Moreno. Congratulations to both of them.

Read all about the election results in



Here's what else the DDI team is reading and watching this week ...

 City of Dallas

📝 First, a few  "City Manager Memos" of interest to us:

  • Electric scooters are expected to (finally) hit the streets again on June 1, according to this memo from Assistant City Manager Robert M. Perez.

  • Two updates on the $1 billion 2024 bond program:

  • Check out all the weekly City Manager Memos here.

Monday, May 8


, 9 a.m. Council Chambers, 1500 Marilla St. Dallas


, 1 p.m., Council Chambers

  • This meeting will include an update on last week's Ransomware attack on City Hall, though no new details are available yet.

  • Dallas Police leaders are asking the committee for feedback on a plan to require online or phone reporting of less serious crimes instead of dispatching police officers to take reports. This plan could include reports for minor car accidents, thefts, and car burglaries. Police officials estimate this could save 135,000 patrol hours and nearly $9 million annually.

🛣 Interstate 345 Public Forum, 6 - 7:30 p.m., Council Chambers

  • Dallas City Hall is hosting a panel discussion on Monday night on the future of Interstate 345, the highway between Downtown and Deep Ellum. DDI's Vice President of Planning & Policy Evan Sheets will be among the panelists. You can watch live here.

Tuesday, May 9


, 8:30 a.m., City Council Chambers

  • DDI President & CEO Jennifer Scripps is a member of this committee working on updates to the city's land use plan.

Wednesday, May 10


, 9 a.m., Council Chambers

  • The Betty B. Marcus Park adjacent to the Meyerson Symphony Center in the Dallas Arts District is set to be renamed the Shirley and Bill McIntyre Park. Under this plan, the Dallas Symphony Orchestra will transfer the prior name of Betty B. Marcus Park to a prominent position on the glass foyer of the Meyerson Symphony Center, according to the agenda item.

Thursday, May 11

🚧 Community Bond Task Force and Subcommittees, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m., Dallas City Hall

  • The first meetings of the Community Bond Task Force and subcommittees focused on Streets & Transportation, Critical Facilities, Flooding & Erosion Control, Parks & Recreation, and Economic Development, Housing & Homeless Solutions. These groups will make recommendations on the $1 billion bond package that the City Council is expected to send to voters for approval next year.

Check out all City of Dallas public meetings agendas


 Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART)

Tuesday, May 9


, 11:15 a.m., Board Room, DART Headquarters, 1401 Pacific Avenue, Dallas

  • The meeting includes a briefing on plans for DART's 40th Anniversary on August 13.

Regional Transportation Council (RTC)

Thursday, May 11


, 1 p.m., North Central Texas Council of Governments, 616 Six Flags Dr., Arlington

  • A lot of meaty items, but nothing with a Downtown Dallas focus on this one.

About Last Week's Meetings ...

Finally, a few follow-up notes from meetings we tracked last week:

  • The Dallas Park & Recreation Board (on which I serve) voted to authorize a $300,000 one-year extension of its contract with Dallas Heritage Society to run Old City Park in the Cedars, south of Downtown.

  • The Ad-Hoc Committee on General Investigating and Ethics voted not to apply certain provisions of the City's Ethics Code to Public Improvement District (PID) board members and CEOs. PIDs are already governed by numerous ethics regulations, including management agreements with the City and a PID policy.

Downtown Dallas Quote of the Week


 DDI President & CEO Jennifer Scripps in recent Dallas Business Journal conversation on regionalism: 

"Downtown is booming and recent successes on multiple fronts will keep that going. We should come together to advocate for wise investments. We can keep our success going by focusing on higher education and community colleges. To keep fostering this pro-business growth and development, workforce housing is vital."

Did we miss anything? Do you have any questions?


Thanks and have a great week in Downtown Dallas!


Scott Goldstein

Chief of External Affairs & Government Relations

Downtown Dallas, Inc.


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